Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How to get ace your first job interview.

After conducting close to hundreds of interviewees for the past 5 months, I think I had enough! One of the daily jobscope that my internship involves is attending to walk-in interviews. There were all kinds of people coming in for interviews. Fresh grads, senior citizens so on and forth because it was for a big company with many postions afterall...
Some people made a big impression but some did not.
Here are some points to help you throughout your first job interview:

Interviewing for your first job may be stressful and you can't help but to feel nervous. Confidence is clearly important. It projects that you can do your job well. However, do not ever be over confident because it can come off as being arrogant. There are many ways to potray confidence such as a firm handshake (NOT TOO FIRM, this lady cracked all of my fingers while she was shaking my hand this morning), a delightful smile and your body language. Remember the three Cs. Stay calm, collected and confident

The one big mistake that interviewees always make is not preparing their resume. Its the most significant document that the employer will always ask for. By handing in your resume, its gives the employer an in depth understanding of your previous work experience. Qualification certificates are also important. Interviewees often say that they have graduated with a Degree/Master but how is the employer gonna believe you without your certificates?!

Always always know what position you are interviewing for. The background of the company itself. What does the company specialize in? I have people coming up to me to apply irrelevant positions that the company does not offer. For example, my company is in the hotel management industry and yet the interviewee is here for a Flight Attendant Position. I'm like....

The more you know about the company and the position will impress the interviewer.

One of the first few questions the interviewer would ask is to introduce yourself or tell me more about yourself. Remember! Keep it short and simple. Although it is always recommended to have a longer conversation not just one or two liners, but please keep it short. The interviewer doesn't have the whole day to listen about how your dog died, how many siblings you have, how your life was back then the past 093480198413 years.

Always start off with your name and your relevant work experience to the position you are applying for. Also, other skills that you have or what can you bring about upon entering the company.

Whenever you have a pre arranged interview, be punctual.

If you are late for an interview, it is the first indication to the interviewer that the interview is not of utmost important to you.
Stuck in the rain? Something urgent happening last minute so you are unable to go down?

Jenna Marbles hehe

6)Don't expect too much
Some interviewers tend to reject applications even when the interviewer had an impressive job interview. Mainly due to them expecting too much in salary or position wise. Some interviewers come in expecting a Executive or Managerial position when they do not have ANY or related experience.

Everybody has to start from scratch. Another point to note is never ask what benefits you can get from joining the company. You have not lock in the position itself and you're expecting benefits?!

7)Dress smartly
Last but not all, dress appropriately for your interview.
From the moment you walk into the company, employees are already judging you from your first impression.

If your dressing is sloppy, people probably think you do sloppy work. For example, if you are interviewing for a paralegal position at a law firm, white shirts, ties and suits is a must. If you are applying for a graphic designer position, you can afford to dress more creatively.
Tadahh!!!!! Here are the simple steps in aceing your very first interview.
I hope it helps!