Monday 27 May 2013


Why being single is completely awesome

Being single used to mean that you were an unwanted, pitied spinster. It used to mean that you were just getting by until you found someone to settle down with, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. Being single now means that you’re independent and have goals and that you care enough about your life to not just settle for whoever comes along, but to really get out there and experience different kinds of people and make sure you’re spending your life the way you want to. Being single doesn’t necessarily disregard the importance of companionship and love. It didn’t before and it still doesn’t. Single people surround themselves with friends and family and dates and lovers, but they also know that being in a relationship is not the end-all-be-all of your awesomeness. It’s wonderful if its something you have, but it’s not necessary. There are so many other things to be learned and experienced in your life, and that’s only one reason that being single is completely awesome. Here are a few others:

1. There is always the possibility of tomorrow.

You are not legally or otherwise bound to someone, and if tomorrow while you’re sitting on the subway someone who completely takes your breath away comes and sits next to you, you don’t have to feel guilty about being enamoured. You can even strike up a conversation with this person. You could even date this person. Your next great love could be right around the corner, and you always have that possibility to look forward to.

2. The only person you are responsible for is you.

You don’t have to check in with someone if you want to travel or spend an exorbitant amount of money on a gorgeous new floor-length dress from The Loft. Not that I did that yesterday. You don’t have to miss a holiday with your friends and family because you have to go to your significant other’s home. You don’t have to worry about anybody else’s student loans or life plans or goals. A little selfish? Yes. Ideal if you’re someone who wants to be able to pack up your things and travel at your own discretion? Yes.

3. You are free to pursue things that won’t wake up one day and leave you.

The thing is, love and companionship are beautiful and wonderful and what most of us would like to settle into eventually. But it’s delusional to think that flawless love and companionship is attainable. It’s not. There will always be struggles, and you have to realize that being completely invested in another person without anything or anybody else in your life is dangerous because that person could leave you one day– and what will you be left with?

4. You can own your independence.

You do not have to be married to be a functioning, happy and successful individual. In fact, you don’t have to be in a relationship either! There was once a time when women depended on their husbands to sustain them, and unfortunately, this may be a reality for many women still. However, if you are able to attend school, work for yourself, etc. you are privileged and extraordinary lucky that you don’t have to rely on anyone. Take advantage of that privilege.

5. You can do what you want on the weekends,

not shave your legs/face, pig out on chicken wings and watch Netflix by yourself, spend all your time with your best friend and above all else, not have to be the friend that is always talking about leaving the party to get back to your old ball-and-chain. You can, instead, be the friend who was talking about your latest dates, the fantastic lovers you’ve taken, the goals you’ve set for yourself and the goals you’ve accomplished, all while being proud of understanding the role that you want love to play in your life, and maybe the fact that you will not just settle for someone for the sake of having it.

-Brianna West

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