Friday 10 May 2013

New beginnings


Alright.. so... I decided to start blogging regularly since I am deskbound for like 90% of the week.

Well, I think I have to do a short little introduction of myself for the fresh readers. :)

As for my friends.... hehehe you guys know me well enough. Thanks for all the unconditional love and support for the past few months.

Ok! Here it goes. I am 19 turning 20, studying Aviation at a local polytechnic, Temasek. Yes, to your surprise, I do engineering. Started modelling when I was at a tender age of 15. From then, I've grown so much, learn so much new stuff and of course, met wonderful friends, some who have been my closest friend ever since. I love eating ALOT but I'm a really fussy eater. I tend to be very enthusiastic in the things I'm passionate about, such as traveling.  I actually spend most of my money on food and flying overseas.

Currently still doing my intern-ship so I'm pretty busy on weekdays. Can't wait for it to end because by then, I'll be able to have more leisure time of my own. And yes, I am single. Enjoying the perks of it teehee.

That's kinda about what I can say about myself?!?! I hope you guys enjoy what I'll be blogging..... :)

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  1. Hi Ameelyah!

    wow, nice blog, hi! i liked your "style locker" page and came to your new blog. ya happy to know you have a blog and hope you can blog more so more readers can know about you hehee

    serious! you are studying aviation? i thought you are a flight attendant! :P got that SIA girl look :)
    very stunning, pretty ! :)

    really like how photogenic you look. can you please share what's the foundation, base makeup you use to keep looking so flawless? what is the skincare you use too? sorry to ask a bit more as i like to learn from you :)

    thanks! have a great day !


  2. Hi Tiffany!
    Thanks for your kind comment!!:>
    I will share my skin care and make up tips maybe this weekend when I have time !?? Hehe I hope you'll enjoy reading future posts!:)

  3. Hey Amelia,
    Ok sure, hope to read you skincare and makeup post soon, thanks in advance! :)

