Monday 24 June 2013

Over the weekends

Blogging from my office desktop so I only have pictures that were on my phone. Didn't bring my camera along today because I had too many stuffs to carry. Good thing is, I am not late for work today. Even after almost halfway through the internship, I still can't get use to waking up this early. Plus, I also came to realize that, my eyebags look even heavier than before because of the insufficient sleep and facing the computer 8 hours a day.
Everyone is asking me when I would end my internship, don't remind me please............................
With my sweethearts, Chantal and Ariel on one of the nights we were hanging out together.
On saturday after my auditions, Charlotte and I went to bring butter for grooming. She was so tired so she fell asleep in my lap, it was such an adorable sight hehe



One of the pomeranians at the groomer's. The rabbit hoodie was done by yours truly hahahahaha.


On Sunday, Lydia and I had a flea booth over at lucky plaza. Yes, out of all places... But, we did manage to clear a few stocks/old clothes to the filopino ladies. The pictures are all stored in my camera so Lydia you have to wait!!! Tehee





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