Tuesday 3 September 2013

Back to Blogger

Hey yaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I finally had the time to figure out how to export my previous wordpress post to blogger. Yes! Am sticking back to blogger because wordpress has so little themes and restrictions. Plus, I can add many more widgets on my sidebars compared to wordpress. Such as the ask.fm widget. Recently, I have been...........

Ever since I had a new oven and a stand mixer at my place, I've been baking cupcakes! Mocha cupcakes with espresso frosting was my first attempt. The recipe is taken from http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2010/08/13/mocha-cupcakes-with-espresso-buttercream-frosting/ WELLLLL, Its suppose to look like that,
Mocha Cupcakes with Espresso Buttercream Frosting

Mine came out like :

To my surprise, my friends said it really looked good! I added the dark chocolate as ze topping.
At work, I explored a whole lot of cupcake recipes that I want to make when I have the time.
Tarts, macarons, etc but they seem to take a whole lot of time which I obviously don't have currently.
I made earl grey cupcakes with chocolate frosting yesterday night. I thought it didn't look good as my first attempt but it definitely tasted better than the mocha cupcakes!!!
Bringing some to my friends to let them try during lunch. My guinea pigs.

I know it looks like ... s**t but don't judge!
Just came home from dinner with my pop. We had ambush where it serves a variety of european dishes.
I LOVE THE PAELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Swear I'm going to have that the next time I go Europe. Can't wait!
Will post the pictures in my next post cause I'm really tired now.
I'm almost halfway the first week of my last month. Please let time fly faster......

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