Thursday 3 October 2013

New Paper New Face 2013

Its one day after the finals and I can't believe its OVER! :'(
All the girls had a wonderful WONDERFUL time and we cannot be more thankful for the people who gave us this chance to be part of this amazing journey.

We have been through fittings, photo shoots, appearances and a number of rehearsals that was all done for one of the most important day of our lives.

The New Paper New face 2013 finals! 

I'll try my best to explain every photo. However, I'm not a professional photographer so most of them are quite badly taken. #imsorry HAHA

Days before the finals, all 20 of us had to spare a few hours in the evening to practice our catwalks & sequences choreograph by Daniel Boey & his team. Throughout the rehearsals, we all manage to form a closer bond and of course, had a fantastic time joking and playing around. 

My only picture I took during rehearsals nyahaha. All of us did not know who we were pairing up with and we expected male models.................... *grins*

Clare managed to take this epic shot of our caretaker, Weeteck when we were talking about a certain male model. He is such an eyecandy!!!! But, I shall keep it between all of us. 

All of the 20 girls before our BIG DAY!!! 

Never hurts to have a little bit of fun during rehearsals.
It was the day when we found out that our partners were mini-mes . ALL of the girls were so pretty and they really looked almost alike us!!! 

Deng Deng Deng!
3rd October- Finals.

Our Mini new face girls who were all dressed exactly similar to what we were all wearing for the Levi's Seqment. They were so adorable and some even did plenty of commercials and grace catwalks. :O

My first outfit by local designer, Revasseur. 
I love how the show supports these upcoming local designers. It is such a great platform to show their work and Yes , I was in love with my half sailor blazor .


Doesn't my partner look exactly like me!!! 
My mouth cramped after smiling for so long. 
There were 4 outfit changes and I don't have any pictures in my New Look outfit.
Hopefully, there will be more pictures up in fb for me to grab.
The above pictures were taken from several sources so credits to them. 
The little girls totally rocking their looks . 
A video of this segment! You'll see how adorable these girls are. 

I am Number 18 so its about 4.40 mins hehehe.

Our last outfit by another local designer, lilauxausby. 

My 2 closest girlfriends I have known through New face.
Stella and Samantha! 
Can't wait to work with you girls in the future. :)

Our only photo as a group backstage.
We were all busy rushing to change to our next outfit so there wasn't time for much pictures.
However, if you were to go under #tnpnewface13 on instagram, you'll see some videos of us doing a group cheer before the start of the show.

Congratulations to Noelle for clinching the winning award!
She's only 16 and definitely has a bright future ahead of her.
Same to Jade and Yingyi who bagged the subsidiary awards and 2nd, 3rd position.
I'm sure we were all winners in our families and friends' heart. 

Thank you to the team behind the scenes. Monsoon and their talented hair dressers with the Mac team who did all of the girls' makeup.
Photographers and reporters who were at every milestone of our journey to cover the competition.

I want to thank ALL of my family members and friends who have always been supporting me throughout this journey. I couldn't be where I am today with you guys giving me advices and encouraging me .:')
I am extremely grateful and happy that you guys have helped me in the ups and downs that I have gone through.

You can see spot some of them hear helping to blow whistles and hold up banners to cheer for me. 
I did see you guys from the stage. 
I don't think the amount of thank you I am going to say will ever express how touched I am.

With my baby girl, Lydia who took time off her hectic school schedule to come down. 
Promise I'll crash your hall next week. :-*

The couple who is parents to my fat adorable godson (below)

Look!!! My youngest supporter of the day.
He didn't turn cranky and manage to stay awake even after everything was over.
Usually he sleeps at 7 but the event ended at about 9.

My poly mates that I've known the past 2 years. 
Have not been hanging out with them because we all just ended our internship.
Thank you .

Dearest Sherena who postpone her flight to Sunday just so she could attend the finals.
Eliza and her were at the front row cheering and taking photos during the show.
Love you girls!
Please have a safe trip .

My bunch of mates from Secondary School. Missing out Manisa because she's in Thailand but baby I know you're supporting me miles away. 
p.s. All of the pictures are purple because of the stage lighting argh.. I have no idea how to brighten them up.
Dave insisted on an individual picture so he could boast so here it is .
Beatrice, one of my girlfriends that I've known ever since I was 14 turning 15. 
She has been someone who has been giving me some great advices and we both have plenty of common stuffs that we love.

 Not to forget, my dear girlfriends who were the ones behind the banners. Thank you for sparing your time to support me. Charlotte had a really long day while Xuan wasn't feeling very good cause of cramps but in my heart, I know you girls are the best!!

The banners they did for me. Thank you Charlotte and Eexuan . :) Also, thank you for the geberas!
They bought me 3 pink gerbera which represented each one of them. :)

 My mum and brother who have been always there for my competitions. Nothing can be better than family support.
Other pictures from last night.

Last but not least, the 2 most important women in my life.
My grandma and mum.

 I will upload more pictures when I receive them. Now, its TIME TO ENJOY MY BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reporting to work in 2 hours time, got to work hard to start funding my expenses next year.

Oh! Thank you to my friends who have wished me well thru text messages yesterday morning. :')


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