Saturday 5 October 2013

Post NF

Weeteck posted this photo just today and its 2 days ever since the finals.
Frankly speaking, I miss the times as a group of 20 together.
We spent so much time together making a fool out ourselves.
Can't wait for Noelle's dinner treat and scouting next year! 

Anyway, I realize I forgot to thank my friends and family members who did their part in voting for #Misspopularity. Although I did not win the subsidiary award but your efforts are much appreciated. :)
I had always been afraid of such voting competitions because I do not like spamming people neither do I accept random friend requests on facebook. 
Never like the idea that strangers get to see my personal pictures with my friends or whatever because no one knows what some people can do with the pictures. 

Other updates that I have been missing out:

1) Brunch at Arteastiq
On Tuesday before rehearsals, Charlotte and I decided to have brunch together and we decided on Arteastiq. It was my virgin experience there , the ambiance was perfect. QUIET. 

French rose tea topped with Champagne Vanilla Gelato
Their signature was the wide variety of fruit teas, alcoholic teas and dessert teas. My love for ice cream never dies so I had the dessert tea. *grins*

Erm, I forgot what was this called. I am still trying to improve on my food photography skills so forgive me if this picture is not appealing enough. 
Never ever had the patience to really take pictures of my food because I can't wait to gobble them up .
The serving was really small. :(

My favourite footwear at the moment.

Only had this picture taken because I had an eye infection. Felt super ugly that day because my eyes were literally swollen . $40 went down the drain after I visited the doctor.

 2) Arien's Baby spa
Been so excited about bringing my little godson out for the longest time and I FINALLY COULD!!!!
Shi Min and I have been friends ever since kindergarden and of course she had this beautiful chubby little boy, Arien.
We both decided to bring him out for baby spa and I basically kept spamming photos of him in the pool.

He kept kicking his legs vigorously at first but started crying after that as his legs were tired LOL.
Each session costs about $30+.
I thought it was mad expensive because usually babies wouldn't swim more than 15 minutes.
Here's a video of him in the pool. 

Shi Min forgot to bring his beanie to cover the bald head so we bought him a blue cap.
After carrying him for less than 10 minutes, my arms literally ached .
He is freaking 9kg!!!!!!

Tryna get the fries that I used to make him look at my phone.

"Can I have some of the fries please?"

If you're wondering how his mother looks like, here she is

Pretty right. *smirk*

Stella and I being honey bees for the day.
Another week has passed and I manage to book my driving lessons.
Feeling a little rusty because I have not been driving for 2 weeks.

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