Friday 13 December 2013


Can't be any happier to know that my last paper was yesterday. I LOVE DECEMBER. One is because christmas is around the corner and 2 because its my birthday month!
I didn't have much time to celebrate it with all of my friends because I had 1 paper on the exact date.
Just a meal with my family and friends already makes me feel blessed. 

Charlotte and I went to dgoodcafe to have a meal right after my papers . We wanted to try the monster cup that people has been posting around in instagram but we were completely unaware that it was specially for people celebrating their birthday.
Luckily, it was the exact day of my birthday so they upsized the drink to a 3 LITRE MONSTER CUP.             

                                                       3 Litre worth of chocolate goodness!

Their food was pretty average. I'll give it a 7/10? The breakfast serving was PATHETIC I have to say. 
Other than the ambiance, I would never really go back again?

Everyone who was celebrating their birthday will be asked to take a polaroid picture. Funny thing is... The polaroid will be hung around the walls, etc BUT they didn't allow us to take another one for keepsake. 
Ok can.............................. So, what's the point for taking?

Thank you Charlotte for skipping a day of work and spending the special day with me!
The rest of my friends were overseas :(

Of course, we could not finish the drink. I was already full but Charlotte arranged a special lava cake for me ! AWWWWWW. 

After which, we went for Christmas Shopping! I can't wait for Christmas Eve when all of us will be exchanging gifts! 

On Sunday night, I had a little celebration with my family. My niece's birthday was a day before mine so every since she was born, we would often celebrate our birthdays together.

Spread was disappointing. Would never go back again. 

Looking extremely tired because I had a long day. Woke up early to do some revising and was late for a shoot. I mistaken the call time and end up rushing all the way . If you have been following me in instagram, a_meliaw, you would have known what was the shoot for. Hehehe

Familia !

#Quayside & 1degree15

The girls and I decided to plan a day out to Quayside for a mini belated celebration. We all made the arrangement to wear maxis. I wanted to wear my new Nastygal maxi out thats why. HAHA


Come to think of it, I love how Quayside is not crowded with so much people. There were a few restaurants that I wanted to dine at but I only had appetite for light meals.


We ended up choosing to have our brunch at Kith Cafe. I've been to the outlet at park mall but this outlet offers more variety in terms of their menu. MY PORTEBELLO MUSHROOM+CHEESE+TRUFFLE OIL TOASTIES WAS YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!! Felt that it was definitely worth the price ($10) compared to the other dishes.

Another cake! We all felt that the cake was too sweet for our liking and didn't even finish half of it.

Beaming in delight because the girls bought me a pandora bracelet with a present charm. 
It was a meaningful thought as they explained that, no matter how many charms I would get in the future, I will remember that the first charm is from all of them!
Thank you Charlotte, Ivy, Katherine and Eexuan!! 
So hilarious because I was asking Charlotte the other day whether I should get one for myself as my parents wanted to get it as a gift for me. She successfully made me forget about that idea. 

My temporary zip tattoo hmmmmmm

As you can see from the pictures, we all enjoyed ourselves yesterday. LOVE SPENDING TIMES LIKE THESE!!! We should do it again soon when all of us are back in town, next year.

That pretty much sums up my 20th I guess? Unless there are more celebrations planned ahead LOL
GOODNESS. But in all, I'm really proud of myself for accomplishing so many things for myself for the past years, in terms of the modelling aspect, school, etc.
Thank you all for your birthday wishes through instagram, fb, whatsapp, etc.
Always here for you guys!


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