Thursday 29 August 2013

Mid-Week Rant

No words can describe how desperate I am for this last month of internship to pass.
The entire 6 months has been such a hindrance.
Worse of all, I can say I have learnt totally NOTHING that is beneficial to me or to what I am currently majoring in.
Well, there are a couple of stuffs that has been going on smoothly besides this....
I am halfway through my driving lessons, really hope I do well.
I have different instructors every lesson and some are pretty curious about my life. -.-
Where do you stay? What are you studying? Are you working? Are you single? OH MY GOODNESS. When it comes to driving, I can't multitask really well so most of the time I don't reply to their unneccesary questions.
Apart from this, I'm making a serious consideration on taking another private dip in law and see how it goes from there.
Many of my close ones think I won't be able to pull through but I hope I prove all of you wrong.
September is going to be a hectic month with rehearsals, work and classes but that's what I love, keeping myself busy all the time.
There is not time to waste!

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