Thursday 19 September 2013


Another doze of updates because I've been taking a couple of pictures recently, so if I don't keep the post going, my photos might get all scattered!
Plus, I'm a pretty forgetful person so I probably forget when the pictures are taken.

As you all know, the finals of New face are really near (3rd October) so for the next few weeks, there will be alot of evening rehearsals.
EVERYDAY is going to be an extremely long day for me because I have work commitments till 6pm and rush to rehearsals afterwards at 7.
Rehearsals end at about 9-ish so I'm out of the house for like more than 12 hours a day. Not forgetting, I am out of bed by 7am.


But I really can't wait for 3rd October because it is when all of our efforts paid off. :') The shoots+events+rehearsals have been great so far, can't believe it's gonna be over in a blink of an eye.
Here's a picture of at least half of the 20 girls who are squeezing with the peak hour peeps,

On Wednesday Morning, I was booked for a short film.
Honestly, didn't expect myself to get selected because I was still a noob in such stuff but when I found out that the director selected me, I WAS ELATED!!
He is such a friendly dude like throughout the shoot he gave me some really helpful advices that allowed me to get a good take.
Most importantly, he was PATIENT.
Some behind the scenes shots:
The props which they took quite a while to arrange. They paid attention to every detail like the colour contrast of the herbs etc.
The location was a chinese family's house over at Mountbatten.
There was a gym, a pool and a really huge living room.
They had 2 white samoys that I didn't manage to take a picture with because they had to stay upstairs.
We were filming mainly in their kitchen

LOL look at the concoction in the blender itself. HAHAHAHA
All brown because we randomly added stuff in
The crew were such lovely people and really looking forward to the final product.
I am thankful for the opportunity. :-)

Can't believe how freaking long I've waited for this day to arrive because due to this internship, there were several good job opportunities along the way which I had to reject.
For now, I guess new face is enough.

Anyhoo, Sherena is finally back for two weeks!!
Eliza, Sherena and me finally did our little catch up session over dinner at Ambush.
Hehe I kinda convinced them to eat there because I love that place and it was easier for me to get home because I have work the next morning.
This time, we managed to order more compared to my previous post at ambush. (if you read)

The bangers and rosti was delish that Eliza wanted to order another set but we told her to save her stomach for desserts.
Verdict - Better than Marche (no kidding)
Fries wasn't what we initially ordered. However, we saw the waiter serving another table their fries and it looked too good to be missed!

Tiger prawn + bacon aglio olio with pine nuts.

Another dish not to be missed is obviously their paella!I have found a new liking towards spanish paella, totally wanna try to have dinner at Bomba paella bar when there's time.

More room for desserts,  
Apple crisps that I did not eat much because I didn't really like apple pies/tarts/cakes or any sort.
I have always find the idea of baking/toasting fruits is abit....
For example, whenever I have hawaiian pizza, I would take the pineapples off.
Yes, I'm a picky eater.
Chocolate scouffle with vanilla ice cream.
Yes! This is more of my thangggg because its chocolate!
Our conversation was endless but we had to call it a night.
An impromptu picture of us and I look extremely EXHAUSTED.
I had minimal makeup so forgive me hahaha

While, I'm completing this post, I just received a new task. Tsk
Time to get back to being an office b***ch and make calls.
Its ok Amelia, you have one more week to go.
Oh!!! Last but not least, I have re-activated my nuffnang account so there are ad's at my blog header now, do me a favour by CLICKING IT!!!

This is totally not related to this post but I read an article from my daily site and I thought its something that you guys can relate to,
Don’t settle for less than you deserve! Remember your worth and never sacrifice it! Remember who you are and all that you have to offer. Soon enough, you’ll love yourself too much to ever let anyone into your life that loves you any less. And for those douchebags? “What goes around comes around.


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