Monday 14 October 2013

Symmetry / Paris Baguette

Lately, I've been hanging out with Charlotte at cafes. Since it's the holidays, I'll always sleep in till noon and head out for brunch with her. 
So for the past week, we have been to 2 places particularly symmetry cafe and the common one would be Paris baguette. 

I'm trying hard to cut down on my food intake cause I've gain a whole lot of kg during my internship. Now that I'm free, there's no excuse for putting on weight . :-(

Symmetry cafe
My green tea latte that has a cute bunny drawing on top of it. 
Look extremely exhausted cause I woke up early to run some errands . 
Only ordered 1 dish because we were not that hungry. It's some fried asparagus wrap that's fried in truffle oil and dip it on the eggs on the left. Yumsssss

Paris baguette 
Never disturb me when I'm having my food
*Death stare*

I had to choose between the pad Thai salad and mango avacado sandwich . The mango smoothie was YUUUUMMM. 

Oh anyway, most of the pictures were taken by Charlotte because my photography skill sucks. Neither do I have the patience to take photos . :-) 

Up early today panicking because I overslept again > Rushed and finally a cab came > manage to reach on time till......
Client said she screwed up the dates ermaigawd.
I woke up for practically NOTHING!! 

SIGH, just a quick update. Need to get back to run some errands before my school starts next week :-(
The last semester of my poly years is bitter sweet. Partly because I won't be seeing the girls as much as I've always been for the last 2 years.. Partly because I'm almost graduating and moving to my next phase of life. 


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