Sunday 13 October 2013

When one door closes, another opens . #FIDEFASHIONWEEK

Booya I'm back home for another round of update.
This time, the pictures are "fresh from the oven" because it was taken just this morning. :)
As you can read from the title, I'm going to be blogging about my virgin experience for Fide Fashion Week 2013.
Thank you to Weeteck and Daniel for giving the new face girls an opportunity to strut our stuff in one of the biggest fashion week of the year in Singapore.
Couldn't be more proud to be part of it !! 

(Beware- Loads of photos )
All of the girls were dressed in outfits by different designers, local and Japanese. 

Models rehearsing for the First Opening show.
All of us were whispering to each other commenting on how flawless/beautiful these models were.

Erm. That is fabulous Sam taking over one of the models HAHAHAHA
Soon after, it was our turn to rehearse.

Pardon our bare faces because we were there early in the morning.
I overslept, missed my breakfast and rushed over.
Thank god I reached on time or else I'm dead.

The Crystal Ballroom all decorated with pretty chandelier lights. Whole layout was stunning.

We had a long break there after . ALOT of time to kill. 
Did manage to talk alot with the girls, forming a closer bond than before. 

Finally, it was our turn for Hair & Make up!

A familiar hair stylist, Comb who did my hair from my very first show at Isetan fashion week, few years back. Yes, he did my hair again this time and it was an amazing job . :)

I love how I am able to meet familiar makeup artist and hair stylist because it makes me feel safe.
I'm able to know that they will definitely do a great job and make me look out-of-this-world.

Mac was the official makeup team. 

That's Romero Jennings, the director of Mac's artistry team. He has done make-up for models walking in PFW, NYFW, etc.
Was such an honour to have him do my makeup. 

Final look.
Mascara, blusher, Bright lipstick and alot of high-lighting.

Deng, Deng , DENGGGGGG

7pm- Showtime
Was the first to walk therefore I opened the show.
*Jumps for joy*
After watching several seasons of ANTM, I know how awesome it is to be opening or closing the show.* Gives myself pat on the back *

When the doors opened, I saw the amount of people sitted.
In my mind, I was like HOLYYYYYYY.......
Just had to werk it :-)

The segment was over in a flash and we all did such a great job!!
Can't wait for more shows in the future.

From left- YingYi, Clare, Alina, Me, Karyn and Qianni

The rest of the Nf girl came to support and watch the show. 
Thanks girls :-)

To end off, a picture of all of us with Daniel.



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