Wednesday 13 November 2013

2nd week of school and I am.....

@ coffee habitat
Busy completing my major project reports, slides and whatsoever.
Explains why I haven't been updating !!
I've also visited several comfortable cafes where I could complete my work. 
My first trip to coffee habitat was pleasing!! Mainly because I met my friend who was working there.  Ice cream and waffles are the perfect couple so I couldn't resist but ordered one for myself. Yum .

The girls in my class have not seen each other for so long ever since our internship started. 
We celebrated Xinyu's (girl holding the cam) in school and I ate ALOT of cake.

My brain is completely blocked so pictures will probably do the job .

@coffee daily
It was my first time having a little munch at coffee daily. Loved the hazelnut latte!! 
I'm trying to reduce my coffee intake because many sources said that it isn't good for health .
Oh! The place is also dog friendly but you are only allowed to occupy the chairs outside.
Here's butter giving the innocent face. 

ANOTHER cafe that I dropped by this week.
Thankfully, it was located near my area!
Their food was VERY disappointing especially the breakfast.
We didn't even finish it.

Met up with charlotte for supper over one of the weekend nights.
Both of us would often have impromptu meet ups because we both stay so close to each other!
Bet she's enjoying her time in London right now and IM SO JEALOUS!!
Extremely love London because of the shopping and the gorgeous friendly British people.
Although I've only been there for a couple of nights, I will definitely head back to explore the city. 

It was really late so we opted for a place that was near where both of us were residing. I suggested dropping by Wild Oats at Punggol Park because I haven't been to the park ever since the previous Bliss cafe closed down.
To our surprise, the atmosphere was pretty lively and their snacks were quite delish too!
Apparently,  Wild oats is under the same company as Relish but this was so much better than the horrible breakfast.

Butter and our mocktails with fries. She is trying to give that puppy face so that she can get her share of food. Every staff loved her!

The following day, I had to send Charlotte off for her flight. 

Somehow we kinda look like each other heh heh

Here's me wishing that I was the one flying off.
Sigh, can't wait for the last 4 months of school and I'll be a free bird.

Just came home from my grandma's place. She was so sweet because she cooked my favorite dishes after she knew I would visit for dinner. I spent the whole afternoon baking cookies for Irina's birthday but it failed miserably. DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE RECIPE MAN.
My cookies came out like play doh and one of my friends said it looked like protein cakes. 
WHAT!! Only some of the acceptable m&m cookies were kept but still not presentable.

Will try to update more often but you know I'm super lazy when it comes to taking pictures.
Most of the pictures above were taken by Charlotte.
Have a wonderful weekend!


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