Saturday 23 November 2013

Midnight thoughts

Ever since school started, I hardly have any time to update daily so please forgive me if I'm always SLOW. 
But on a lighter note, my MAJOR PROJECT/FYP IS FINALLY DONE!!
I'm so relieved because its been a tough 8 months trying to complete each and every detail of the project to make sure its perfect. 
I mean its like the most important and significant project throughout the 3 years in poly. 
To hear my mp judges say ," Well done", I felt like I was walking on clouds.
My biggest worry was actually the Q&A part because you'll never expect what they were going to ask.
Thankfully, all is well!

Now for updates on certain events the past 2 weeks.
I'm actually in the midst of studying for my quiz on Monday so there's only a FEW things.

1) Irina's 22nd Birthday Party
Last week was Irina's 22th Birthday at one of the SAF resorts.
I always thought I've been there till I realize the one I was at before was NSRCC, which is totally different from this. The bungalow was HUGE, rooms were huge and the living room had a appropriate size for games + food.

The theme was CUTE, so they had this little corner where it had childhood snacks.
The plan was to have cookies too but IT WAS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AND THE BAKING FAILED SO BADLY. My friends told me that it looked like protein cakes.
Sigh, sorry Irina no cookies for the table.

Everybody will have to write a note and tie it at the ends of the helium balloons.
There was a point system where you have to earn 'Irina points' so you can sabotage her in doing a dare/redemption.

I WAS SADLY THE 2ND. The whole time, whenever there were new guests, I would run up and ask,
" ARE YOU CANCERIAN??" before even asking for their name. Epic

After much ice breaking games from the fun officers, it was time for cake cutting!

Girl shyyyyy. See the beaming smile.
We had dares that night and one of them was to invade another bungalow unit, full of NS man.
I was damn disappointed when they took so long to decide who shall do the dare with Irina. 
One of the dares was to specifically ask a guy for his number. Irina asked this chap if he was single, so to make sure that she wouldn't be a 3rd party whatsoever, THAT CHAP..
There was like an awkward 5 sec-10sec silence before he could reply YES/NO.
WHAT THE!!!!!!
Can you imagine if he was really single? Yet he needed so long of a time to say YES.
I'll be so sad for the girlfriend. Honestly.

One of the other dares was to take a Polaroid with one of the guys shirtless.
I couldn't stay over because I had school commitments but it was an enjoyable night.
Made new friends and had A HELL LOT of fun.
Happy Birthday Irina! 


Tp would annually organise this event called , " Walk for Rice" where 2 bowls of rice will be donated to the needy when you finish walking 1 complete round at the concourse. (actually til now as a year 3 student, I don't know what that area in my school is called)
My girls and I decided to walk as much rounds as time permits us to.

After much procrastinating, I finally FINALLY made a trip down to Lydia's Ntu hall.
The travelling journey was MADNESS. I could literally kill myself if it wasn't for my ipad.
We both had lunch and caught Thor before this.

Not trying to be a diva here, but the room had no aircon................................... It was just a stand fan......
How does one sleep with just one stand fan shared between 2 roomies?!?! Especially in Singapore!!! 
It was an impromptu meetup with Lydia . Her birthday was also this week!!! 
Please meet me soon so I can pass you your birthday gift, you'll like it REALLY LYDIA!!
So sad that we can't meet up as often as we use to because now you're staying in hall which is SO FAR AWAY.

Ok I gotta get back to revising a few more chapters because I won't be able to tomorrow:(
Enjoy the rest of your weekends!


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