Wednesday 1 January 2014

XMAS 2013

Happy New Year !!!! 
In a blink of an eye, just like that 2013 is OVER!!!
Wasn't really a bad year for me in fact and I thought everything went really well except during the 6 months I had to serve my internship. OOPS

Just like any other year, everyone loves Christmas because its the time of the year where you get to exchange gifts!! I love surprises and being able to gather with most of my friends is a blessing!
Had my entire week all planned out and my first round of gift exchange was with 2 hotties, Sherena and Eliza. Sherena was back in town so we all met up and exchange gifts for the 3rd consecutive year! I remember I was dead sick last year so they surprised me by visiting my place and exchanging presents at my place! 

3 of us had a quick meal at Olio Cafe and we headed to Play Nation to play video games.

It was my first time there but I thought the rates were pretty affordable during happy hour. 
Eliza had a family gathering to attend so Sherena and I spent the other half of the day doing some quick last minute shopping.

On Christmas Eve, Charlotte invited my mum and I over for their annual Christmas countdown over at her place. 

A picture with our respective mums!

I actually bought this dress just a few days before Christmas. Been raving about maxis recently and no matter how many times I tell myself that I need to STOP buying clothes... It never happens.

Going all christmas-y with even my eye makeup! Was just making use of what Eliza gave me.

Little butter was also at the party. Awwwww

We all played mini games before Secret Santa Gift exchange time and I was appointed as the leader for one of the two teams. IN THE END, MY TEAM WON. DUH?

My team members in the All - Stars team. 

Time for Secret Santa! Unexpectedly, I got Katherine's gift hahahaha.

The 2nd highlight of the night was actually the desserts!! All of the brownies, macarons and EVEN THE LOG CAKE was baked by Charlotte's aunt. This requires high level skills man I can't deny.

Everyone counted down to  Christmas and we headed out for supper. #fatdieus
*SIGHS* That was a hell lot of photos but there are more to come!

Had Christmas lunch with the girls to exchange our personal gifts. Too bad Eexuan was not with us because she's enjoying herself in Melbourne. Most places were closed or fully booked because we decided on the location very last minute. I thought of giving Skyve Bistro a try as we have never been there before.

Mandatory OOTD shot and I was coincidentally dressed in Christmas colours... Not planned at all.

The food over at Skyve was average but the ambiance was really quiet and calm... Aside from their poor room temperature. The girls were feeling that it was stuffy and the air condition wasn't strong enough which I had to agree.

Time for gift exchange!! 

The girls were very thoughtful because they all bought me travel necessities that I would definitely use during my graduation trip. Thank you!! I hope you all like yours too hehehe

Ivy bought me the mittens, hot air balloon and my favourite snowflake charm from Aussie!
Thanks ivy!! So in love with my snowflake charm because its out of stock almost at every country even here. Mum bought me the mittens charm which is seasonal this Christmas . 

Later in the evening, I had another party hosted by Adler at his quaint comfy hostel! Made alot of friendly conversations with international guests who were lodging at the hostel.

My partner in crime.

I ate quite a huge amount of log cake....HAHA
AND GUESS WHAT......................... FELL SICK RIGHT AFTER.
When I reached home, I kinda felt weak and the next day I woke up with a tremendous headache and body ache. Temperature rose and tadah, fell ill with a fever.
I probably ate too much junk for the past few days.
It was such a sucky feeling because I had to cancel my plans and I was also sick during the same time last year! What luck!

Thankfully, after gulping down many bottles of cooling tea, I felt so much better and was able to attend Daniel's party!! Theme was meangirls so Irina and me decided to be "Karen".
If you haven't watched the movie, this was her significant scene where she pasted her initials by looking at her reflection..

But our initials were still the same even if you would have flipped it in the opposite direction!!!!

Was probably the easiest get up party costume I have ever came up with.. Threw on my very old Pink VS hoodie and a tank.

Was really an enjoyable night!!!!
The next day, woke up with a terrible headache and sore throat. 
Even when I was walking, I could feel the head thumping as if a 10kg weight was on my head.

Although its still the festive season but it seems like I can't indulge too much else I'll be back sick like a dog on my bed.
In any case, that's about all for my Christmas!

Gotta complete my assignment because submission is just one day away.

Little Arien Foo looking so freaking adorable in the Santa Costume.


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