Thursday 16 January 2014


2014 is the year when most of my friends are turning 21.. 
I'm thankful that I am a December baby for once, because it means I'm the last to get older.
How I wish I was 18 again, making my way to school instead of thinking what am I gonna do after I graduate. SIGH

Last Friday, my dear friend, Dave turned 21. It was the first 21 birthday party of the year .
Dave and I have been friends ever since I was in Secondary 1. We were in the same class till Secondary 3 because my grades were better la so I was in the better class HAHAHA KIDDING.
Eventually, the same class for our last year of secondary school.
Days spent in Secondary School was the best man. Never need to worry about project deadlines, submissions and we could fool around as much as we liked. Closer friends and rushing to the canteen to be the first in the queue for food during recess time. Tons of memories. 
My seniors used to tell me that I will miss Secondary School. Back then, I didn't really understand why and I thought they were crazy. Now, I do know what they mean. *Sobs*

Back to Dave's party. This clumsy unorganized chap DID NOT ORDER FOOD CATERING. 
He did but it was cancelled I don't know for what reason.
I had to find a way to get food the night before and yes I managed to. 
The BEST Help tool was the - DEEP FRYER.

Peiling, Dave and me went to the supermart to get small bites. Spent the afternoon frying all the stuff while they had other things to prepare for the party.

The food that was prepared SO LAST MINUTE. Quite impressed with myself actually.
Staple food like noodles and rice were from the zhi char stalls . Nobody appreciated the taopok :(
WHY!!!!!!!!!! Ordered from my favourite market stall and there were so much leftovers. 


While waiting for Dave to get back, Peiling and I set up the entire room. Moved all the furniture so that there was a wall for photo taking. I think I can be a really good #partyplanner

Balloons were specially ordered and yes they costed a bomb.

My buddy here, Garey did not iron his attire for the party so Mama Melia had to help.
Whoever thinks I don't do housework.. You're wrong. I do my own laundry ever since my maid left back to her hometown because she was pregnant. 

Dave printed this photo frame so that his guests could make use of it........ But #FAILED
Had to give that cool outlook so all of us tried...


Peiling and I dressed in black. Can't wait for our reward meal on the 26th!!!

Lucky, Dave's 13 yo dog was there too. He looks angry because of his overgrown eyebrows. 

Cake was so yummy! I absolutely love eating Chocolate cake.
However, it was a little bit melted because the dumb hotel's fridge was too small to fit in the cake box. I seriously find it damn retarded for hotels to have small fridge in a SUITE.


Another Bond Girl in White!

Overall, the night ended really well. All of us had champagne, moscato with Royce chocolates and I was really dead beat after the whole day's preparation. DAVE YOU BETTER BE THANKFUL FOR THE TWO ANGELS - Peiling & me. *halo on my head*
There are suppose to be more pictures from the party.... But the official photographer needs time to send the photos over. Don't even get why it takes so long because its already one week after the party!?! 

Today, I finally submitted my 5000 word project. 

Good Night!

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