Tuesday 21 January 2014

True friends are like diamonds

A small dose of updates before I head to bed!
Met the girls over dinner last week and it always feels so good to see them!
Settled for Halia Restuarant @ Raffles Hotel because Charlotte recommended that the place was very pretty.
We went in the evening so the ambiance was very dim and all. 
Therefore, I didn't take much pictures of the food .. 

It was a belated birthday celebration for ivy because xuan finally came back from Melbourne.
Kat bought ivy that hello kitty balloon which has a birthday tune if you tap it!!
(Irks!) I don't like hello kitty AT ALL. Never understood why some girls find it cute. 

This was their signature chilli crab pasta that everyone recommended .. 
$26!!!!!!!!!! SO EXPENSIVE
Of course, the crab meat was fresh not the frozen crab stick ones that other cafes ways serve.
Verdict? 8/10

Seafood gratin which was also $26 BUT... Serving was really huge. It can be shared among two .

Always a joy hanging out with them girls . :)
My classmates and I FINALLY arranged for a meal together as one. 
Whenever we had arrangements for meals, there wouldn't be full attendance but this time it was!

All of us looking pretty dead because we had an 8AM class earlier.

The girls bought Charmaine and I a cupcake each for a little belated birthday surprise. 
Aww thanks ladies!!! 
I look horrible here without makeup . *hides under a rock*

Trimmed my own fringe by myself *claps* 
Wearing Gustobelle's red peplum top ($17.90) .
Do check out their website for clothes which are less than $20!! 

Btw, I've updated my blog header taken by pixioo photography for Ohvola's look book!!
The owners are really friendly and lovely so do support them by visiting their page too hehe


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